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The primary market for trading metals such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum. Formerly known as the Commodity Exchange Inc., the COMEX merged with the New York Mercantile exchange in 1994 and became the division responsible for metals trading.
This includes physical and derivatives trading through spot prices, forwards, futures and options on futures.
- Spot Trade is a trade done on a Spot date wherein the contract is settled (i.e. The payment and delivery is settled). A spot date is usually 2 business days from the date of trade. Spot price is the price at which the spot trade is settled.
- Forwards – It is a non- standardized contract wherein the buyer and seller decide to trade with a agreed upon price which is decided today.
- Futures – It’s a contract which enables the buyer and the seller to trade on a future date with a price decided and agreed on the present date.
- Options- This contract gives the buyer the right but not an obligation to buy or sell a product/commodity at a specified strike rate on or before a specified date.
COMEX trading provides an ideal option for investment allocation & helps to hedge assets against inflation and buy a piece of global demand growth.
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